Alien Rage Against Your Machine video contest from CI Games

Alien Rage Against Your Machine video contest from CI Games

CI Games and ROCCAT challenge players to Alien Rage Against Their Machine in order to win pro gaming accessories and a brand new gaming PC! With an old school in-game scoring system, Alien Rage is the perfect way for competitive gamers to outdo one another in an effort to show off their skills, blast evil aliens, and score sweet prizes. Alien Rage is currently available on PC via Steam ( for $19.99, and will be Xbox Live Arcade for Xbox 360 on October 18, and on the PlayStation Network for PlayStation 3 on October 22nd for the price of $14.99.

To take part in the contest, entrants must:
· Upload a video to YouTube of their highest scoring play through of the second level of Alien Rage on the Challenging (first) difficulty setting.
· Include the phrase “Alien Rage Against Your Machine” in the description, then link that video in the Video Contest App posted on the official fan page on Facebook.
· Begin their video at the loading screen for level two and continue all the way through to the end of level summary.
The run through with the highest recorded score will win a brand new Alienware X51 PC with a 4th Generation Intel® Core i7 processor!

The competition begins on Wednesday, October 16 at noon Pacific Time (PST) and will run for four weeks, ending on November 13 at 11:59 PM PST.

Additionally, the Alien Rage community will be rewarding players directly. Every week, the five most “Liked” competition entries will receive high end gaming accessories from ROCCAT, including ROCCAT Kulo Stereo headsets, ROCCAT Kone Pure Optical and ROCCAT Kone Pure Color Edition mice.

Once a week the CI Games team will also pick one video for a Developers’ Choice award: a badass life-sized Alien Rage rifle prop which will improve any Gamer Cave or armory.
The full Official Rules for the competition can be found in the App and here:

The official Alien Rage fan page can be found on Facebook here:

More info on Alien RageŠ
Alien Rage is a hardcore sci-fi shooter powered by the Unreal 3 graphics engine, which challenges players to blast through hostile alien forces hell-bent on taking down the human race. Players must battle against the odds through 14 intense levels using ten epic weapons to push the balance to their favor by annihilating inhuman creatures with rockets, fire, bullets, plasma and the always-reliable grenade launcher.
About CI Games
About CI Games S.A.: CI Games S.A. is an international publisher, developer and distributor of interactive entertainment products with sales in more than 40 countries worldwide. It was established in 2002 and is listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange since November 2007.City Interactive has development and publishing offices throughout the world including Poland, United States, Germany, UK & Canada. The consistency of our business model allowed for continued development of the company. Apart from the company’s headquarters in Warsaw, CI Games S.A. has opened studios in Rzeszow, Bydgoszcz and Poznan. Its global presence distinguishes CI Games S.A. as one of the industry’s most dynamically developing companies, which currently has over 220 team members. In June 2010, the biggest production in the history of CI Games S.A., Sniper: Ghost Warrior, hit the shelves. The game proved to be a staggering success sales-wise, selling more than 3.000.000 copies worldwide. For more information, visit: