LEGO Marvel Super Heroes vehicles screenshots (and info) revealed

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes vehicles screenshots (and info) revealed

Soaring, zooming and jetting high in the sky are seven playable vehicles for the upcoming release of LEGO® Marvel Super Heroes available October 22 for Xbox 360®, PlayStation®3, Wii U, Nintendo 3DS, PlayStation® Vita and PC.  The game is also a launch title for Xbox One® and PlayStation® 4.
Players will be able to navigate LEGO Marvel New York and other iconic locations from the Marvel universe in style with powerful vehicles, such as: Cloud Rider, Deadpool Scooter, Fantasticar, Magneto Mobile, Pumpkin Chopper, Spider Copter and the X-jet.

In fact, Cloud Rider was designed by 14 year-old Thomas, avid LEGO fan and gamer who won the LEGO Marvel Facebook contest hosted by LEGO, which asked fans to create a physical model of a vehicle that TT Games then integrated digitally into the LEGO Marvel Super Heroes videogame.    This is the first time TT Games has ever done anything like this.
The Vehicles:

LEGO Marvel Cloud Rider 02
Cloud Rider ­ “It’s fast, but the best thing about it is the ability to hover, which means you can avoid the traffic while carrying out races.”

LEGO Marvel DeadpoolScooter 01
Deadpool Scooter ­ “The Merc with a mouth has a slick new motor-bike to get around town. A wolf in sheep’s clothing, this deceptive machine has more power than Luke Cage. Plus, it makes an awesome ‘weeeeeeeee’ noise when it moves too!”

LEGO Marvel MagnetoMobile 01 Magneto Mobile ­ “When driving the Magneto Mobile, nobody will tell you what to do. A car well ahead of its time, inspired by the 1978 Menace of Magneto, this car needs no gas so it is environmentally friendly. The car can cruise the streets of New York without even a whisper of noise — Magneto’s vehicle of choice!”

LEGO Marvel PumpkinChopper 01
Pumpkin Chopper ­ “Usually Green Goblin is seen blasting around New York on his glider, however for longer journeys he chooses the comfort and luxury afforded him by the Pumpkin Chopper. While comfortable though, the Pumpkin chopper is extremely nimble and has powerful rapid fire missiles.”

LEGO Marvel SpiderCopter 01
Spider Copter ­ “S.H.I.E.L.D. are not the only people with gadgets and gizmos. The Spider Copter was designed for Spider-Man by Nick Fury to enable the webbed wonder to get from A to B swiftly, and should he encounter problems en route, the agile copter has quick-fire flick rockets.”

LEGO Marvel XJet 01
X-jet ­ “The X-Men’s primary source of conventional travel, obtained by Professor X from S.H.I.E.L.D. the X-Jet is unrivalled, being able to cloak at the switch of a button, enabling it to sneak up on anyone. Definitely the vehicle to use when traversing distance and wanting to arrive unannounced!”
LEGO® Marvel Super Heroes features an original story crossing the entire Marvel Universe. Players take control of Iron Man, Spider-Man, the Hulk, Captain America, Wolverine and many more Marvel characters as they unite to stop Loki and a host of other Marvel villains from assembling a super-weapon capable of destroying the world.