Ms. Splosion Man gets iOS update

August 1st, 2013 – Austin, TX – The sexy, splosive siren of the small screen, Ms. Splosion Man, gets her first update on iOS devices.  In the new version, Twisted Pixel has added several new features, upgrades, and optimizations.  To celebrate, the critically-acclaimed action-platformer is available for 66% off, for a limited time only.  The update includes:

Support for cross-device savegames via iCloud
Adjusted in-game economy
Updated UI artwork
Numerous bug fixes and optimizations
Sale price of $0.99 USD (66% off)

More updates are in the works and the Twisted Pixel team wants to hear from players.  Please email or tweet @twisted_pixel with suggestions and feedback.  Follow all the updates on the game at

Ms. Splosion Man can be found on the App Store here.  And don’t forget to catch her on XBLA, Steam, G4WL and WP7 too!