Emobi Games releases first ever game from Vietnam

Emobi Games releases first ever game from Vietnam

Emobi Games just announced their first title via press release, 7554. It is the first game ever from Vietnam. 

7554 Game Facts:
– First major video game from Vietnam.
– The title of the game, 7554 (7 May 1954) represents is the day the French army in Dien Bien Phu, Vietnam surrendered to the Vietnam People’s Army thereby withdrawing occupation of all Indochinese colonies.  As you know, that marked the end of the first Indochinese War (the second was the Vietnam War).  You play as a member of the Vietnam People’s Army…the same army that we would later fight against during the Vietnam War.
– PC Game
– Single player only
– $12 USD
– Launches in the US and France this February, 2012.