Skylanders Spyro’s Adventure getting more characters

Skylanders Spyro’s Adventure getting more characters

Hex adds to the female roster and is from the undead elemental class. Her Wall of Bones upgrade keeps her safe when baddies come after her. She’s also really good at evading enemies with her ranged attacks.

hex toy

Dino-rang, a funny looking green dude from the earth elemental class, hurls boomerangs at his enemies. His boomerangs start out as stone but can quickly turn into volcanic glass when kids upgrade him. His Obsidian Armor is the ultimate in fashion-meets-function.

dino rang

Finally, Wrecking Ball is a hungry blue party animal from the magic elemental class. He enjoys taking down villains by using his Tongue Whap to do some quick damage. He also has a Power Belch, allowing him to release the ultimate burp attack.

wrecking ball

Skylanders Spyro’s Adventure is now available at retailers for Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, PC and 3DS.