Activision starts taking submissions for independent games competition

Activision starts taking submissions for independent games competition

SANTA MONICA, CA – October 3, 2011 – Demonstrating its ongoing commitment to the development of new talent and creativity, Activision Publishing, Inc. (Nasdaq: ATVI) today announced a call for submissions for the second Activision Independent Games Competition – an award program designed to foster innovation.

Open to all independent developers with headquarters in the United States, the Activision Independent Games Competition, to be administered by IndieCade, offers the winning studio or individual funding for game concept, titles in development or completed works. Ownership of submission remains with the creator. Submissions will be accepted from October 3, 2011 through December 31, 2011. 

The first place winner will receive a cash award of $175,000 and the second place winner will receive $75,000 to assist them with the development of their game.

IndieCade, the preeminent organization supporting the indie community, will promote the competition and vet jury submissions to determine semi-finalists.

“This competition underscores Activision’s commitment to fostering creativity in the independent development community,”Dave Stohl, Executive Vice President of Studios, Activision, said. “Many of us began our careers as indies, so we are very proud to offer this kind of support and encouragement to a couple of the industry’s young visionaries.”

The partnership between Activision and IndieCade for the award program acknowledges the important role IndieCade plays in fostering opportunities for young, creative and independent game talent. 

“Working with IndieCade is allowing Activision to bring our message of support directly to the community,” explained Stohl. “The programs IndieCade offers – conferences, awards and the annual IndieCade Festival, a celebration of independent studio success – touch the community core.”

For a copy of the official rules and submission instructions, as well as more information on the Activision competition, visit