The Asskickers Drops Its Price to $4.99

The Asskickers Drops Its Price to $4.99

NANCY, FRANCE – August 4, 2011 – To honor the Republican and Democrat parties for finally deciding to stop putting us, the people, in the middle of their childish filibustering ways and for learning to share toys in the economic sandbox by passing the bill on debt crisis (a.k.a. further compounding it in the future), AGO Games has decided to show them how to get it done by dropkicking the price of The Asskickers to $4.99.  Why accrue higher debt when you can now spend less while still receiving the same amount of high quality fun? The new price begins today!

“We’ve been playing close attention to the ongoing economic debacle in Washington. It’s really too bad that the people don’t have someone like The Asskickers in real life. Someone who could have jumped up, kicked some political ass and got the wealthy and the politicians to work together for the benefit of the people,” said Stanislas Berton, president of AGO Games. “The Asskickers is about a people standing up to corruption. So, in honor the fact that the bickering US politicians were finally able to do what was best for the American public and work together, we decided to cut the price of our game in half.”

The Asskickers is a 2D beat’em up PC/MAC game that pays butt-kicking homage to the classics such as Street of Rage, Kung-Fu Master and Double Dragon. Via co-op and single player modes, fighters can unleash a barrage of fiery fists of fury and Bruce Lee-like jump kicks against the forces of economic corruption in The Asskickers. Hi-Ya!  The game serves as political commentary for today’s financial crisis where the rich get away with massive financial fraud and the poor pay dearly for the rich’s mistakes and possess no recourse for justice. 

The Asskickers offers players the choice between two adventure filled co-op and single player modes, “Story” mode and “Survival” where players battle wave after wave of attackers. “Time Attack” is a single player only third offering that challenges players to beat their own personally best ass-kicking times. Filled with unlockable achievements, multiple combos to master and four levels of difficulty, The Asskickers take hardened street fighters from the seedy back alleys of town all the way up to the pristine glass walled floors of evil corporations.

In addition to the full game, which is available now at, brawlers wanting to kick-ass can test out The Asskickers game via the free demo that is now available. The demo allows fans to cut their teeth on the first level of the game in “Story” mode and one level in “Survival” mode as well as experience the frenzied rush of “Time Attack.” Beginning today, you too can leave the grape Big League Chew behind and start kicking some 2D ass!