Hey Arnold!, one of the most beloved animated Nickelodeon series from the 1990s, arrives in stores nationwide for the first time on August 9, 2011, from Shout! Factory. Featuring all 20 hilarious episodes, Hey Arnold!: Season One follows the adventures of Arnold, the original football-headed boy’s life in the big city alongside his Grandpa, Grandma, Abner the pig and a host of other friends and neighbors. Long anticipated by fans, Hey Arnold!: Season One has not been available in stores until now. The four-disc DVD set has a suggested retail price of $29.93.
Like all of Nickelodeon’s classic shows, Hey Arnold!: Season One boasts an all-star voice cast which includes Toran Caudell (7th Heaven), Dan Castellaneta (The Simpsons, Futurama), Tress MacNeille (The Simpsons, Futurama), Jamil Walker Smith (Shark Tale) and Francesca Smith.
A favorite with viewers and critics alike, Hey Arnold! stars Arnold, a fourth grader who lives with his grandparents Phil and Gertrude, owners of the Sunset Arms boarding house. Each episode finds Arnold in a new, sticky situation, whether it’s helping out a schoolmate with their problems or dealing with his own. Unfortunately, Arnold’s predicaments are often started by Helga, a schoolmate who picks on Arnold and constantly bullies him. However, Helga only pretends to dislike Arnold to hide the fact that she is secretly in love with him!
Created by Craig Bartlett as a comic in 1986, Hey Arnold! debuted as an animated short for the Nickelodeon film Harriet the Spy in 1996. Hey Arnold! went on to air on Nickelodeon from 1996 to 2001. The show also aired on “Nick on CBS” from 2002 until 2004.