Fallout: New Vegas – Old World Blues releases today on Xbox Live, PSN and Steam

Fallout: New Vegas – Old World Blues releases today on Xbox Live, PSN and Steam

Bethesda Softworks is pleased to announce that Old World Blues, the third add-on pack for Fallout: New Vegas, is now available for download on Xbox LIVE, PlayStation Network and Steam.

The residents of the Mojave have long assumed the trackless wastes of the ‘Big Empty’ are a no-man’s-land, a desolate stretch where no living thing can survive. In Old World Blues, you discover that is far from the truth….

Old World Blues is available for download on Xbox LIVE for 800 Microsoft points and on PlayStation Network and Steam for $9.99. For more information on Fallout: New Vegas or Old World Blues please visit http://fallout.bethsoft.com.