Hudson’s Oops! Prank Party available now

Hudson’s Oops! Prank Party available now

San Mateo, Calif. – Oct. 5, 2010 – Gamers of all ages will find something to satisfy their funny bones with Oops! Prank Party, published by Hudson Entertainment, the North and South American subsidiary of HUDSON SOFT.  With more than 100 brain-teasing, puzzle-solving, reflex-testing party games, Oops! Prank Party is now available in stores exclusively on Wii™ for $19.99.  Players will find that winning is more gratifying than ever with the added fun of pranking losers’ avatars in the game.

“Oops! Prank Party represents the latest and greatest of Hudson’s long history of party games, but with a wacky new twist,” said Dai Kudo, Director of Consumer Products for Hudson Entertainment. “Families and friends will find that they have much to laugh at – each other – with Oops! Prank Party’s wide variety of pranks and costumes.”

Oops! Prank Party even makes losing fun with embarrassing costumes and pranks for the mini-game winner to assign to any losing player, who will be stuck in the silly costume for the duration of the game.  With unlockable levels and one of the most robust avatar creators in a party game, players can put their personality directly into the game, including more than 500 avatar customization elements.

Oops! Prank Party features four play modes to get the party started: Master mode invites up to three players to try and best the master computer player in a series of challenges. Board mode puts a spin on gameplay by placing players on one of seven boards in a race for points. Free Play mode gives players total reign to build their own competition from unlocked games while Trial mode seeks to find the best competitor in different game mixes.

For more information on Oops! Prank Party and Hudson Entertainment, please visit
