Activision releases two new characters for Transformers: War for Cybertron

Activision releases two new characters for Transformers: War for Cybertron

We wanted to let you know that the next two playable characters – AIR RAID and BREAKDOWN – are being revealed today for Transformers: War for Cybertron on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC.   

Class: Scout
Chassis: Jet
Primary Weapon: EMP Shotgun
Abilities: Guided Missile, Dash
Description: Fearless and rash, Air Raid is always ready for a fight.  He prefers diving head first into a pack of Decepticons rather than shooting them from afar because it’s more fun.  That is his only real goal in life; to have fun.  This attitude always seems to place him and his fellows in danger, but he always manages to get himself and his friends out of it.

Class: Scout
Chassis: Car
Primary Weapon: EMP Shotgun
Abilities: Shockwave, Dash
Description: Breakdown is a very capable Decepticon warrior, but has one main underlying problem.  He is extremely paranoid that everyone and everything is out to get him.  Being in crowded places is nerve wracking for Breakdown, as he feels like everyone is staring at him, judging him.  He just wants to blend in and do the duty that the Decepticons require of him in anonymity.