SAKAR’s Sports Resort 5-in-1 Sports Pack for Wii

SAKAR’s Sports Resort 5-in-1 Sports Pack for Wii

Are you looking to enhance the realism of Wii Sports Resort? I have some good news for you: SAKAR’s Sports Resort 5-in-1 Sports Pack is 100% compatible with the Wii MotionPlus controller and is the only accessory package that I know of at this time dedicated to and marketed exclusively for Nintendo’s Wii Sports Resort.

So what do you get for the average street price of $14.95? A totally cool adjustable / folding Jet Ski Handle Bar set (accommodates both the Wii MotionPlus & Nunchuk together) for greater control simulating the feel of riding an actual jet ski in the open waters of your living room (just go with me on this). You also get a half-molded Frisbee disc into which you place your Wii-mote to give you that virtual reality “interactive” experience when throwing the Frisbee to your cute little doggy. I really liked the Frisbee accessory the most as it will improve your Frisbee throwing accuracy a lot. The 2 Foam Swords for dueling swordplay are a little cheesy, but hey still pack a lot of fun and punch into the Swordplay mini-game.

My only beef is the box picture shows the Jet Ski Handle Bars in black, which looks way cooler than the white plastic set included—for $15 SAKAR’s Sports Resort 5-in-1 Sports Pack is a no brainer for Wii Sports Resort fans of any age.

SAKAR does include a one-year warranty should you get carried away and ruin your Red sword like I did I mean my dog ate my Red Sword after I gave her the idea it was a dog toy by engaging her in a duel…Forgive Me Father for I have sinned!