Alienware M17x Exclusive Unboxing Pics – Courtesy of Bruce Pechman, a.k.a. Mr. Bicep!

Bruce Pechman, a.k.a. Mr. Bicep

How do you say no to a man who can straight one-arm lift your product over his head 26 times?

Bruce Pechman, The Muscleman of Technology, Scores First Alienware M17x All Powerful Notebook!
The Alienware M17x “All Powerful” Notebook Unboxing and First Impressions
By guest writer Bruce Pechman, a.k.a. Mr. Bicep –!

For those of us fortunate enough to attend this year’s E3 and partake in the annual ritual of “The Mecca of Gaming” in Los Angeles, where the sights, sounds, and smells of games and related garnishments never cease, there always lies one segment of the show for me that never disappoints—the hardware. Well, maybe that and the Bayonetta chick—I still can’t believe she let me goose her! We’ll talk more about my security confrontation in another article.

There really was only one major computer builder at this year’s show, and I’m pleased to let you know it was Alienware. The main reason for their larger than life presence on the show floor was for the unveiling and debut of their new M17x laptop—not just any 17” gaming laptop, but “The Most Powerful Laptop in the Universe”…per the glossy brochure.

I got abducted into the Alienware booth complete with agents and a security detail, and promptly received my comprehensive briefing of the all new M17x, and folks it is pretty downright impressive…and pretty downright heavy at about 12 pounds (hey, it’s a desktop replacement you girly men). So after the briefing I said to the marketing guy for no apparent reason, “if I can straight one arm this bad boy over my head for 17x times do think you can find your way for a delivery for next weekend?” Next thing I know he unlocks and untethers the unit from the display and says I don’t think you can do it. So after the 26th side straight-arm rep with the M17x firmly in my grip he says “ship to”…

On Friday, lo and behold the FedEx man drops of the M17x in a really, really big black box weighing in at 32 pounds.

Quite honestly my first impression after unboxing and picking up the M17x with both hands was this is way solid—as in kick-a$$—metal case (anodized aluminum) with an ultra-modern design. Not a single case screw anywhere in sight except for the Alienware Personalized Name Plate affixed to the bottom. I have never seen a laptop with this kind of ample and abundant air-flow. Absolute superb build quality throughout exterior, no creaks, no gaps, no imperfections at seams, just epic quality. Edge to edge glass on the the 1920 x 1200 display with super heavy duty hinges, and slot loading Blu-ray reader/burner. I know you are not going to believe this, but considering this particular configuration contains DUAL Nvidia 1GB GeForce 260M GTX cards in SLI along with an Intel Quad Core Extreme processor—after running multiple Far Cry 2 benchmarks for almost 25 minutes, the machine was still running cool! Anyway, this is all I had time for thus far so enjoy the pics!

Written by Bruce Pechman, a.k.a. Mr. Bicep