Seth MacFarlane’s Cavalcade of Cartoon Comedy Uncensored

Seth MacFarlane’s Cavalcade of Cartoon Comedy Uncensored

Is it out of your system now?

I can only imagine that after nearly 10 years of censored comedy that Seth MacFarlane must be feeling a bit pent up. That’s how I completely define what happened with his Cavalcade of Cartoon Comedy. It’s a collection of very short snippets of rude and vulgar material that would make Peter Griffin blush. 

While there truly isn’t one solid storyline, what you get is a series of short stories that are sure to offend everyone equally. It’s like what would happen if Blazing Saddles went terribly wrong.  For example, the whole thing begins with a frog courting a princesses’ kiss. The kiss quickly turns into the frog wanting to be touched in the male region and it goes on from there. It lasts maybe one-minute at the most (that’s what she said) and sets the tone for many of the other stories. There’s one about a gay knight, a rock climber who has to poop and a Scottish man yelling at his television. There are tons of these shorts and they’re all highly offensive and some make you simply want to turn away from the screen.  They could be considered the next step to the cutaways in Family Guy if the censors would let them. 

There really isn’t much value in this release, as it is simply just short blurbs of subpar humor that sees how far it can go before you turn away. I have seen many comedies and I believe that this one has the most offensive material in it. Although, I do have to admit that the horse calling out the two guys at the bar is priceless.  

Anyway, you’ll find more offense here than entertainment, which is truly a shame.  I think this Blu-ray was simply made to get some much needed, pent up comedy out of Seth MacFarlane’s system.  I certainly hope that he feels better now. 

Blu-ray not needed here

I think that the animation looks very crisp and clear, but I have to ask if it was truly necessary to bring such a short amount of skits to Blu-ray. I think that it certainly looks better than the DVD version, but again it doesn’t really benefit from the upgrade. You’re certainly better off buying it on DVD because you’re getting the same thing. Had this been a movie or maybe even a show (much like Family Guy) then my tone would be different. As it is, it really doesn’t belong on Blu-ray because the content doesn’t call for it. I think this may be the first time you read this from me; possibly the last. 

As for features, you get two:

– Red Carpet Premiere

– Character Models

That’s all you get here and that’s probably all you want by the end of it. The models are nice and the premiere is interesting, but at the end of the day you simply want to move on.