MAG – Small Exclusive News Item & Details

We haven’t yet gotten to spend a great deal of time with MAG, but we were able to ask one of the lead devs from Zipper Interactive some questions about that game today. We received a few requests for info on this game, let me go ahead and post these responses and points in bullet form, but first the exclusive news we received directly from Zipper:

There is an additional map in development that is similar to that of the Panama Canal. Red and Blue forces will be fighting on opposite sides a large body of water with ships passing up and down the canal. Players are able to get onto these ships as well.

Now for the other points:

-The network code for this game has been under development for over five years, before MAG development began. It’s built from the ground up for massive online play.

-There will be a driveable tank and other vehicles via DLC (Humvees and ATVs) at launch.

-No balance between the teams is forced; i.e., if one team has a vehicle, the other team has the option to also get the vehicle but doesn’t have to.

-Other modes include 64 player simultaneous training and 128 player escort missions.

-Each faction gets every weapon, but what weapon you can use is of course dependent on your class.

-Once you reach level 15, you are a field commander and can call in airstrikes and issue orders to troops. Those troops can follow your orders and earn additional points for doing so, or if they do not follow orders they will not be penalized. It takes 15 to 20 hours to reach a level 15.

-Damaged turrets and objectives do repair themselves over time, but players can choose to repair instead and it’s much faster.

-Map view shows locations of discovered enemies and friendlies, as well as where hot spots are. Maps are huge…

-You can respawn right into the action or from far away (safest).