Two million Street Fighter fans can’t be wrong

In the latest news from Capcom, it looks as if two million Street Fighter IV games have been shipped worldwide.  Not bad considering the franchise was pretty much born in 1989 (I know, I know — There was Street Fighter before the sequel, but was it really as popular?). Anyway, Capcom’s PR folk had this to say:

…news from our corporate offices in Japan that Street Fighter IV has officially shipped over 2 million units worldwide! The game has been welcomed by gamers with open arms around the globe and we’re incredibly happy that we’ve finally been able to share this amazing game with fans both new and old. First week sales in North America have been unbelievable — just wait until you see the figures in NPD next month!

Looks as if the title is going to break some records, as it’s scoring off the charts at Can’t really argue with those results. In other news…

Capcom also annoucned that there is a sneak preview of a brand new Capcom title coming to Xbox Live. The sneak peek will feature an introductory video from the producer and the director of this mystery title. No news yet on the title name/purpose. Capcom rarely fails at titles (at least in the last few years), so it has to be good.