Capcom’s Kawata-san: Personally I would like to create something on Wii in the Resident Evil family


If you’re a Wii owner and incidentally also a zombie-lover, you might be feeling a bit left out, what with all the other console-owners always killing zombies in style, while you’re stuck with the likes of Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop.  Well, don a smile, as there is light (er… dark?) at the end of the tunnel.  Eurogamer got to speak with Capcom producer Kawata-san about the prospects of another RE title on Nintendo’s systems, and here’s what he had to say:

“Personally I would like to create something on Wii in the Resident Evil family,” he revealed. “At the moment we don’t know and have just been working on RE5, so watch this space.”

Check out Eurogamer TV for the full interview.