Metroid ‘side story’ game coming?

Metroid Side Story coming?

The evil minds at Nintendo never cease to tease us, and when the teasing is done in Japanese, it’s all the more enchanting.  Recently, word began to spread that Nintendo of Japan had updated their official Metroid website with an interesting note at the bottom.  Here’s a screenshot of what it looks like:

A screenshot taken from NOJ’s website on 2/06/09

Before you get too excited, keep in mind that this could very well be a simple comic strip or something else of that nature.  There’s nothing here that says it has to be a game… but what if it is?

DinnerSonic over at GoNintendo points out that the alt text for the image can be dropped into a translator, leading to:


He also points out that SUPESUPAIRETSU sounds an awful lot like “Space Pirates”, so could this possibly be a game told from the perspective of the enemy?  How about the ever-fabled Metroid Dread?  Now we’re getting off the beaten path with some wild speculation, so we’ll leave it at that.

No official word has been heard on this situation yet, but we’ll let you know when we do. DigitalChumps