BREAKING: Crytek to rescue Free Radical

BREAKING: Crytek to rescue Free Radical

Free Radical’s Rob Yescombe just confirmed to 1UP that the recently troubled developer has been bought for an undisclosed sum by Germany-based Crytek (best known for the games Far Cry and Crysis). This ends weeks of uncertainty about the future of the company, which many had guessed might be forced to shut its doors.


Speaking from his local pub, Yescombe told us, “After seven long weeks of uncertainty, I can confirm that Free Radical is now out of the woods. We’ve been bought by a really, really good company.” He added, in what was possibly a first for the outspoken writer, “I’m so excited I’m lost for words.” Then he found some and continued: “It’s the smoothest deal we’ve ever done. It all went through quickly, efficiently, fantastically…”

This is great news for all of us console FPS fans.  We’ll have more on the story as it happens.