Devil May Cry 4 released for PC

Devil May Cry 4 released for PC

Devil May Cry 4 will make you cry on the PC. It’s nice to see the PC folks get some console love these days, despite their insistence that consoles have nothing on PCs. Silly folk. Enjoy…

SAN MATEO, Calif — July 8, 2008 — Capcom®, a leading worldwidedeveloper and publisher of video games, today announced that the highlyanticipated Games for Windows version of Devil May Cry® 4 ships toretail today.

Devil May Cry 4 is already a certifiable hit inthe console world, having shipped over 2 million units world wide sinceits release in North America in February. The Games for Windows versionof Devil May Cry 4 will feature new modes, enhanced graphics optionsand additional content. Devil May Cry 4 has been rated M for Mature bythe Entertainment Software Ratings Board and carries a suggested retailprice of $39.99.

Good things come to those who wait asWindows-based PC owners will benefit from having more modes and morevisual customization options to help enhance their demon-slayingaction. Following up on the amazingly popular Windows-based PC demoavailable for download at major direct-to-download websites, Devil MayCry 4 for Games for Windows has garnered critical praise with thegame’s additional graphical prowess and buffed up frame rate. The fullversion will feature a number of exclusive content for theWindows-based PC including, Turbo Mode, which will turn-up the actionto insane speeds, and Legendary Dark Knight Mode, which will harnessadvanced Windows-based PC processing power and fill the screen with anunbelievable number of enemies for extra difficulty.

Moreover,familiar enemies from the console versions will show-up in newlocations in the Games for Windows version. The high resolution screensettings allow the cut scenes of the game to run at up to 120 framesper second (up from 30 frames per second in the console version of thegame). Slider options are available to manage various visual effectsseen throughout the game. Additionally, Devil May Cry 4 for Games forWindows comes with a Benchmark Test Mode which lets users test theirWindows PC. Devil May Cry 4 for Games for Windows will have bothDirectX® 9 and DirectX® 10 modes,

From the producer of theoriginal Devil May Cry® and Resident Evil® 4 comes the next installmentin the hugely successful stylized action series that has so farachieved global sales of nearly seven million units. Devil May Cry 4immerses gamers in a gothic supernatural world, where a new protagonistclashes with a familiar hero. As the new leading man, Nero, playerswill unleash incredible attacks and non-stop combos using a unique newgameplay mechanic: the powerful “Devil Bringer” on his right arm.

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