The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep

The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep

So, regardless of balance, the connection between the two main characters drives the film. It makes it work and keeps it all together, even when it seems to unnecessarily unravel. IF you haven’t seen The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep yet, then this is certainly the right moment to see it.

Crusoe looks great, but what about his features and milage?

The movie is gorgeous and not only because it’s on Blu-ray, rather because the place they shot the film is absolutely spectacular to look at in high-def. The sights and sounds of this movie are enhanced to such a high level that you’ll be enamored with how beautiful the surrounds truly are. That’s what I love about high-def the most, you get everything beautiful that you had on DVD and it’s at least ten times better.

Speaking of better, here are some good features you get with this movie:

– Deleted Scenes (always a good reason for them being deleted)

– Behind the Scenes Featurettes: Myths and Legends / The Story

– The Characters

– Setting the Scene

– Water Work: Creating The Water Horse

– Creating Crusoe

– Virtual Crusoe Game (great for kids!)

Say what you will, but these special features are better than most Blu-ray movies that I’ve seen recently. I think that studios are really starting to catch on with the size of the disc and what they can do with them. The special features are quite good and worth, in some respects, more than the movie itself. The featurettes are so darn good.

Bring the kids, some compassion and enjoyment

The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep is good, no question there. Is it great? Not quite. I think that more movies of this genre certainly have been put together much better. I can’t remember one that has such a strong emotional connection in it, but regardless it’s overall good, not great. The special features make this even better, but still pans out to be a good film. Beautiful on Blu-ray, good features, good film, you can’t go wrong if you’re looking for something to keep the kids happy.