Doctor Sleep

Disclaimer: Warner Bros. Home Entertainment provided us with a free copy of this Blu-ray/DVD that we reviewed in this blog post. The opinions we share are our own. “Still scarred by the trauma he endured as a child at the Overlook Hotel, Dan Torrance faces the ghosts of the past when he meets Abra, a courageous teen who desperately needs his help – and who possesses a powerful extrasensory ability...[Read More]

Doctor Sleep

Mike Flanagan’s Doctor Sleep follows Danny Torrance in his middle age, decades after his horrific experience at the Overlook Hotel with his brave mother Wendy and his father Jack, who is rapidly losing his mind. Nearly 40 years later, Danny is an ex-alcoholic noticing his psychic connections to a young girl named Abra and the looming threat of an immortal roaming cult, the True Knot, that feast of...[Read More]

The Shining heading to 4KUHD on October 1st

Ah, nightmare fuel as a kid. Now in 4K. BURBANK, CA, May 15, 2019 – Warner Bros. Home Entertainment announced today that The Shining, Stanley Kubrick’s terrifying 1980 horror masterpiece, will be released on Ultra HD Blu-ray and Digital on October 1.  The 4K remastering is of Kubrick’s original 144-minute version of the film which premiered in the United States on May 23rd, 1980. Now widely regard...[Read More]