Witch Blade Volume Two

Witch Blade Volume Two

The Show- More Drama and Character Development

We learn that the other witch blades that appear at the end of the last episode are actually clone blades. The clone blade has been created using biotechnology and the information obtained form the witch blade and its previous fighter. Shiori and Doctor…are the witch blade clones and they are quite capable of inflicting damage on the actual witch blade though they are not as powerful. Tozawa, a reporter who helped Riko in the first series becomes much more involved. Amaha and Riko move into an apartment where Tozawa also dwells. It is the first home the two have had in years and they fight to get it. Once living there Tozawa discovers more evidence that suggests Amaha is the witch blade warrior that he snapped a picture of. One wearer of a clone blade, Shiori, become less stable as the witch blade gains more power and the balance is offset. Lusting after one who is as powerful and fulfilling in battle Shiori goes after Amaha again. This time the clone blade is too much for Shiori and it destroys her mid battle, deteriorating the cellular structure, Shiori crystallizes and then disintegrates. It is said that the witch blade always kills its fighter before moving on to its next host. We fear this may be the outcome for Amaha in the future. Searching for answers in understanding this ultimate weapon, more research is being done by both Douji and NSWF. Riko also encounters a doctor from NSWF, and the two have a strange encounter. Bearing a remarkable resemblance to one another I have to wonder about a possible relation.

Presentation- Metallic Goddesses vs. Mecca machines

This disk uses the same revealing techniques typical of Top Cow comics. While there is still no attempt to cover the flesh, there is a lot of coverage on character development. Designed with the comic fiend in mind there is an interesting style to observe here, but it is not for the conservative or chaste viewer, as certain scenes and costume may offend them.

Extras- Repeat with a little Change

The extras on this disk include; how to make a comic the top cow way, two cast interviews, and again the text less song and trailers.

Overall- Action and exposition, but a little less exciting than the first DVD

I was still impressed with this disk but not as much as the first one. It lacked some freshness, but was still worth following. I am undecided about this series and will have to see the third one to find out if it will be one of my favorites.

Overall: 7.5