Witch Blade Volume Three

Witch Blade Volume Three

They begin to realize that perhaps the X-cons are not machines made to look human but former humans altered to be machine. This thought disturbs Amaha and she goes directly to the boss, Takayama, to inquire boldly about the new information. HE tells her directly that all the X-Cons and I-Weapons were formerly humans but that they use them after they have already died. This is disquieting but Amaha decides to continue work for Riko’s sake so she will be able to provide a future for her. Later she has to make an appearance at a classy event with the boss and his rival. She makes a mess of the entire occurrence, never being the graceful one, and it ends in a drinking competition between Takayama and Wadou in the battle to defend honor. After winning Takayama is brought back to Amaha’s house where Riko cares for everyone and hints that she would like him as a father. Riko, has been working her self too hard and during a routine trip to the super market passes out and is yet again encounter with Reina (Lady, the former owner of the actual witch blade). There is an uncanny similarity between Reina and Riko’s appearances and we get the notion that the two may be related. Since the huge quake Amaha had lost her memory and it was just assumed that Riko and her were family as they were found together and the only ones who survived the epicenters wave of destruction. Riko is taken to a hospital and cared for by Reina. Takayama and Amaha begin to bond as the two dash off to the hospital to see Riko. Not too long after Amaha sees Riko she has to dash off on another mission. It is at this point that we meet Maria, the over zealous, twisted spoiled brat worth too much power that may inherit the clone blade in the future. Meanwhile Nora, a clone blade captures Amaha and takes her to the Clone blade headquarters headed up by “father”. Reina visits Riko in the hospital while she is sleeping and plans for recapturing Amaha (the witch blade) ensue. Tozawa(the photographer) and the secretary bother break into the complex disguised as an employee and a guard. Takayama becomes aware of the situation after the two have infiltrated and immediately shows his power by ordering tanks and an entire fleet to appear before the complex. “Father” decides to surrender to prevent an entire war as he is severely at a disadvantage and the tree escape. A happy return to the apartments where Riko has charmed all of the attendants should be the conclusion to these events, but it is interrupted by a social worker who callously tells Amaha and Riko that tests have been done that prove that the two are not genetically related. Everyone is shocked and disturbed by the news but we will have to see what happens with it in the next episode .


This DVD has a new opening and closing, but they are just as beautiful as the first two disks. True to comic form the outrageous combat outfits continue. In less than protective uniforms the outrageous protective love of a mother is juxtaposed against the homely every day life with Riko.


-Character and staff booklet

-The withch blade forged Part I

-Japanese cast Interview (voice of Takayama)

-Text less Songs


The extra booklets are always an nice touch. I find that the interviews are informative and interesting, but it is not much different from any of the other disks. The witch blade formed is probably the best part as it relates the witch blade comic to other comics, their history and relation to the bigger names such as marvel and the more under ground names.


A touching tale of a mothers and daughter making their way thorugh life in an irregular way reaches out with action terror, and cuteness that is hard to put down. Riko is the most loveable character of the entire plot and when this overly mature, and cute characters relationship with Amaha is threatened our hearts skip a beat. I m beginning to like this series more and more with each disc.

Overall: 8.0