Witch Blade Volume One

Witch Blade Volume One

THE SHOW- Graphic and erotic battles mixed with heart warming stories

In the aftermath of a giant earthquake we find a mother and daughter that have survived the wreckage. The mother, Amaha had lost her memory in the quake and has single-handedly been caring for her daughter Riko for six years. Child welfare services are now trying to separate the two, as Amaha is unable to provide a “proper environment”, having lost her job and now homeless. The two have a very symbiotic relationship and it is heart wrenching to see them torn apart. Amaha is said to have survived the earthquake because of the “witch blade”. This witch blade is a self-aware device that chooses its fighter. When it is discovered that Amaha possesses this instrument she is immediately picked up by an agency, Douji Industries, which wishes to posses this great battle power. They obtain Riko as a form of manipulation and guarantee that the witch blade will stay in their possession. When possessed by the witch blade it seems that Amaha is completely indestructible and capable of outlandish speeds and strength, with a combination of rapid healing. They test her against their i-machines, which are altered human like characters that transform into killing machines. The witch blade is capable of defeating such machines. Also while in the witch blade costume there is little to no coverage, this in combination with the violence is what makes this a mature audience show. I know a lot of guys that would love this show. At the end of this episode we find that the rivals of Douji industries, NSWF, are after the witch blade. They send out their own witch blade employees to get rid of an X-con (another form of weapons technology). Amaha and Riko have secured dwellings and have been promised a life together. It is hard to say whether the company will be loyal to them or how much danger Amaha is in after her encounter with the new witch blades. You’ll have to see the next set to find out.

PRESENTATION- Bold graphics, daring costumes

This anime presents us with characters that have many facets to them. One shocking element to this film is the costume that the witch blade huntress wears. To say that it’s revealing is an extreme understatement. I am able to get past the costume, as there are some shows that appeal more to that genera. The story is saved by the adorable sis year old who adds innocence and dimension to the otherwise erotic nature of some scenes. Aside from the costume the overall effect is a combination of metal and softness, even the cover comes with a metallic protective case. The menu is rather minimalist, but it is still aesthetically pleasing.

EXTRAS- Entertaining, research materials and fun bits

Top Cow Studio Tour– Informative about influences and overall graphic style. The studio makes many comics which accounts for the revealing costumes and dark nature of the killing machines. Similar to Conan the characters are loveable and yet daring.

Interview with Amaha’s voice– It’s kind of funny to actually meet the actress because she seems so soft spoken while her character is extremely bold. I enjoyed this section though.

Promo Video– this has some fun music and was what really got me to choose this DVD for reviewing.

Text-less Songs, and Trailers-the ever present extra incase there’s nothing else.

OVERALL- Exhilarating, one of Funimations best this year

As a woman I can really relate to the maternal instincts that Amaha has towards Riko, and as the Drama unfolds the characters are more enchanting. This is definitely an anime that men and women can enjoy. It keeps a careful balance between action, the exotic huntress, and the conservative mother. This balance gives the characters a lot of depth. I would say this is my next favorite since Fruits Basket, though it’s an entirely different story and feel, it’s good to know that Funimation is covering different genera’s and successfully.

Overall: 8.5