Will and Grace Revival

Will and Grace Revival
Will and Grace Revival

The Will and Grace revival is good but has room for improvement if they want to stay on TV. They have stuck to their roots in a lot of ways while trying to stay relevant.


After 11 years, Will & Grace is back on the screen! Will, Grace, Jack, and Karen are back for more and I think people are going to have a hard time falling back in love at first. The first episode started off a bit rocky but as the season went on they seemed to get the hang of how to be relevant to viewers in 2018 but to not be too over the top about current issues. They laid down way too many references of things that are going on in the world today and it went from being funny to trying too hard it seemed like, especially in the first few episodes. They also completely negated the season 8 finale that brought the show to a close in 2006. The finale ended with Will and Grace marrying their significant others and having kids and then flashes forward to their adult children meeting in college. In the first episode of the revival, Will and Grace aren’t married and don’t have kids, along with several other details of the show that are completely different than they were in the finale. They tried to play it all as a dream.

As a show, not much has changed about Will and Grace but we live in a different time now where sitcoms aren’t what they used to be. Although, we also live in a time where TV revivals are becoming more and more popular and people are willing to give our old favorites a chance again. All of the things that made us fall in love with Will and Grace are still there; they’re just having to adjust to the present moment.

If you’re a fan of Will and Grace I think it’s possible to fall back in love with the characters and the show as many were for the first go-round. The show still portrays a lot of the same characteristics that pulled people in in the first place and once they truly find a good balance between staying relevant but also staying true to their old ways it can be a very successful show.

