Tyler Perry’s: Nobody’s Fool

Tyler Perry’s: Nobody’s Fool
Tyler Perry’s: Nobody’s Fool

A Tyler Perry romantic comedy that will make you laugh out loud.

Release Date:Genre:Rating:Developed By:Publisher:Platform:

The movie started off the with a successful woman waking up and getting ready for work while also having text messages on the screen between one of the main characters, Danica, and a mysterious boy, Charlie, she has met online that she has been in a relationship with for a year but has never met. Very soon into the movie, you find out Danica has a sister that is wild and is getting out of prison after five years. Danica helps her sister Tanya find a job, get into an AA program and offers her a place to stay. Danica works right at a PR firm right next door to a coffee shop where the owner always has her order ready for her every morning and doesn’t make her pay. This is where Danica finds Tanya a job as a barista and also ends up being where Tanya goes to her AA meetings because come to find out the owner of the coffee shop, Frank, also has been to prison because of drug issues in his past. I really enjoy how this movie started out. The opening gave tons of details and was very entertaining because every sense contained a sense of humor. The opening movie was fun and interesting and made me want to keep watching.


In the middle of the movie, Tanya hires the Catfish team because she believes her sister is being catfished by her online boyfriend, Charlie, that she has never met in person. Danica is mad at her sister for even thinking this but the Catfish team has evidence that none of his stories he is telling her line up. Danica becomes very sad and distraught because she thought the online love Charlie and she had was real. Danica then learns that Frank, the coffee shop owner has always had an interest in her and they start dating. Everything in Tanya and Danica’s life is going great Tanya has been staying clean and continued to work at the coffee shop and Danica has a new love with Frank. While sometimes the middle of movies can become boring this one stayed very interesting because it had so much humor in it. The sister’s relationship continued to grow and Frank and Danica’s love also grew while also adding in humor within the relationships.

The last part of the movie almost became predictable when Danica’s online love, Charlie, turns out to be real and shows up her office she is shocked. He professes his love for her and because Danica wanted their relationship to be perfect she broke up with Frank to see if what she and Charlie had was real. Turns out that she and Charlie actually have nothing in common and now she regrets breaking up with Frank because she was truly in love with him. Danica’s life turns upside down quickly with her relationships but also with her sister because her sister doesn’t agree with her choices. Of course, the movie ends with a happy ending when Danica and Frank get back together because she professes her love for him. While the last part of the movie was predictable it stayed pretty interesting because of the humor that was in it. Overall this movie was hilarious and a great romantic comedy.


The film plays in Blu-ray in 1080p High Definition. The quality of the movie was great and everything was clear.


The sound on the movie was good; sound effects and the actors and actresses were clear throughout the entire film. The audio is a 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio.

Special Features:

These special features were great. If you are a fan of Tyler Perry movies then you will appreciate these behind the scenes.

  • Deleted, Extended & Alternate Scenes
  • Gag Reel
  • Tale of Two Sisters
  • Bring the Funny
  • Breakfast with Tiffany
  • “Something New From Tyler Perry” Perfume
  • “Catfished” Perfume with Outtakes
