Tsubasa Volume Six

Tsubasa Volume Six

They actually landed in a place called Fairy Park which is located in a land called Edonis. Chitose is one of the people that built Fairy Park and our group is introduced to her when they are “killed” out of the game. She realizes that there has been some problems with the game and that it needs to be shut down and evacuated immediately. Seishiro, with the aid of Sakuras feather, found a way to bring Outo into the real world, along with its demons. Seishiro and Kurogane begin to fight, each with the determination to kill the other. But when Kurogane sees that Syaoran and Fai are still alive he quickly loses his rage, previously believing that Seishiro had killed them both. While the Country of Outo starts popping up all over Fairy Park, Mokona suddenly rushes the travelers off to another world, while Seishiro escapes with the feather. The group arrives in a new world but Syaoran faints shortly after they get there. He is taken with his friends to an elder lady’s home, where she lets him sleep and recuperate. She then tells them the legend of a temple in the sky. The mountain broke away underneath but the temple still remains, along with the stairs up to it. She informs them that many have tried to enter the temple, for it posesses the power to grant any one wish, but everyone that has ever attempted gaining access, has never returned, including her son. Will the group brave the task for just one wish? Find out in Tsubasa 6: A Wish Upon Waking.
Pressentation- Creepy Demons

The gang still look their best in all of their traveling garbs, a mix of clothing from each of their worlds. Sakura and Fai look especially cute in their cafe uniforms. The demons on the other hand, keep getting uglier and uglier. They consist of giant eyes and multiple legs and they scurry from place to place, looking for their next victim. Many, or most, of the demon are now under Seishiro’s control, so they are relentlessly attacking the demon hunters, to insure that he will be the only one to fight the A-1 demon. Fairy Park is a pretty place, until the country of Outo decides to bombard it. Outo’s buildings start popping up everywhere, causing destruction and chaos, while the A-3 demon comes out to fight (while still being controlled by Seishiro, naturally.) The once happy detailed Fairy Park is now a shambled mess of brick and rubble, creating an overcast of gloom on the scene.

The Extras- Same as Last Time

The extras are the same things that we have seen in the previous volumes. It includes a Character guide, featuring Chitose- one of the creators of Fairy Park. Also new demons are shown in this one. Also included is the world guide, taking us on a tour of Edonis and Fairy Park. Also we have the “Faces in the Crowd” in which characters from other clamp series that are shown throughout the show have short biographies. Also there are the Textless songs, and the Trailors. The new thing on this disc is the Actor Commentary, in which some of the actors chat throughout the episodes, telling what they though and what it was like making the show. I enjoyed this part of the extras, because I really got to see inside of their heads and wha tey were thinking at the time.

Overall- Another Great Volume

This volume mainly focuses on the virtual world of Outo and how Seishiro is trying to make it real. There are plenty of fights and a couple of tears (when our main heroes bite the dust.) But then we learn that it is all just a game and that they are really ok. Until the Game turns into reality, due to Seishiros power and the aid of Sakuras feather. This is one of my favorite volumes, except i thought it dragged on a little with the demons.

Overall: 9.0