Tsubasa – Volume Four

Tsubasa – Volume Four

The Story- Love-sick Kids

The first two episode showed how Syaoran(main character,his father died when he was young) and Sakura(princess of the town where Syaoran lives) met and how Sakura lost her heart and memories in a strange incident occuring in the acient ruins of the town. From there on out, Syaoran, Sakura, Kurogane, and another character whose name i have not yet learned, are forced to travel to different worlds in search of Sakuras memories. There’s only one catch, Sakura will never recover the memories from her childhood that involved Syaoran. The beginning showed Syaroan and Sakura to be in love, but also in denial about it, so it is heartbreaking for Syaoran to have to do this, but it means saving the life of his beloved.

In these four episodes, the traveling group has to go to different worlds to find Sakuras memories, which are in teh form of a feather. THey enter a strange new world where everyoneis very hospitable when they arrive, they even get their very own house in exchange for some clothing. But as the night dawns and the new moon rises, everyone has an uneasy feeling and is unable to relax. Well, it was for a good reason, as soon as they started drifting off to sleep, a demon breaks into their house and attacks them. Syaoran easily defeats him but Kurogane finds out something very interesting about Syaoran.

Presentation- Beautiful Graphics

The imagery in this story is truly amazing. They use a beautiful panning effect when they are showing large areas that is very believable. The scenery is very abstract and artistic, with unrealistic but amazing landscapes and sculptures. The lighting is awesome in the night scenes. I found this incredible; there are so many worlds that the group travles to and each world has it’s own type of environment, landscaping, architectures, and fashion. I would find it incredibly difficult to create all of these.I really don’t have anything else to say, it is just awesome! Two thumbs up!

Character Developement- Great

At first I found it hard to keep all of the characters straight, but as the story progressed, I saw enough personality of each character to keep them straight. Each character has an interesting deeper side to them, making the show very entertaining and easy to follow. Their costumes are incredibly creative. Each world seems to have their own sense of style and fashion, and the group of characters each represent the world that they come from. It must’ve been difficult to create all of the fashions to match the climate and landscapes of each world, but the creators did a tremendous job of it!

Extras- Definitely Helpful

The extras on this disc include a very helpful character guide. This gives you a small background of all the new characters that one will meet in the episodes on the disc. Unfortunately, I didn’t find this until after i watched the episodes. But to all of you out there, watch this part first! It is a great help! Another very helpful thing in the extras, similar to this, is a world guide. This gives you background on all of the worlds that you will be introduced to. The extras also include Cameos from other Clamp series. They use characters from other animes and slyly put them into the show. Textless beginning and ending songs can also be found in the extras. The last thing is a group of trailers to introduce you to some other animes that you might like. I found these extras very helpful, and I’m sure you will to!

Overall- A Great Anime!

I loved this anime! The characters were cute and entertaining, and the plot was well developed. The scenery was AMAZING! The characters were all fully developed and the extras were extremely helpful.

Overall: 8.5