Tokyo Majin: The Complete Series Box Set

Tokyo Majin: The Complete Series Box Set

Tokyo Majin‘s story centers around five Tokyo high school students (with the aid of an antique dealer) whom at night fight hordes of zombies, demons, and other super powered humans. The story starts off with a rash of bizarre murders as a horde of zombies start to take over Tokyo. The story progresses as the team face against increasingly more and more difficult foes. It is eventually discovered that the demons are being brought forth by a man named Tendo Kozunu. Kozunu seeks to rule the world by collecting 10 artifacts and using them to summon his ancestors into the present. After the defeat of Kozunu, Tokyo Majin continues on with the familiar students from Magami High and their friends as life starts to resume to some resemblance of normalcy.  That is broken briefly, however, when the Martial Fist begin trying to kill the Stars of Fate.  Upon confrontation with the Martial Fist, the students from Magami High learn that it is being run by a copy of Tatsuma’s former master. The man actually responsible for the creation of it is Yagyu Munetaka, a man bent on destroying the world, even to the extent of having given Tendo Kozunu his power.  Any chance of normalcy is completely lost when Tatsuma’s foster parents are killed by Ryuuji Yashiro, whom controls people via a game called Chaos played on their cellphones.   Things become even more complicated when it’s discovered that Kisaragi, Tatsuma, and Daigo house the power of three of the five sacred beast.  Things reach a climax when Yagyu destroys Tokyo, and plans on destroying the world.  In the end, the students of Magami High and their friends must use all their power to defeat him.

The most prevalent piece of this series is the dynamic between each of the characters and the struggle they all face within themselves. Two of the characters are obsessed with saving everyone and it’s interesting to watch how they deal with the fact that in the end you can’t save everyone. It really gets heavily into focusing on character development about a quarter way through the season with the deaths of the previous episodes tolling on the entire team. Even the minor characters show a great deal of emotional growth and change as the season progresses. The later half of the series really focuses on the past of the various students of Magami High, and how they learn to deal with it.  It also deals with how even the strongest and most good intentioned person can break and fall apart when pushed to their limits. Unfortunately the blossoming romances that we saw beginning in the first half seem to fall by the wayside as the characters must focus on being able to defeat the great evil that threatens the world, and survive the powers they themselves contain. The show does it’s best to wrap up all the various story lines, however, the ending felt a bit short and cut off and I was left still wondering quite a bit about the fates of some of the secondary characters.