Tokyo Majin: Season One, Part Two

Tokyo Majin: Season One, Part Two


The Box art is rather unusual in that unlike many series, instead of focusing on the main characters, it instead displays a selection of several of the minor characters posed together on a black background.  The box for the first disk hands the same pose of three of the minor characters interposed on top of a scene of Daigo transforming into Byakko, The White Tiger Guardian.  The box for the second disk displays Yagyu standing in front of Tatsuma, Marie, and Alan interposed on a black, red, and white background.  The artwork within the series continues to please and amaze, as they stick to the dark forboding colors and sharp angles that defines the series.  There is an abundance of violence and gore in this volume as well, even more so then in the previous volume, particular during the final fight.  The music is also quite superb sticking with the same classical and violin sounds that was used during the first volume.  The opening song changes about halfway through this volume, which fits perfectly as the mood of the series also changes.  The  ending song remains the same as in the first volume and despite the change in the overall tone of the series still does a good job of fitting in.  Both voice cast continue to do a great job in the series, continue to convey the emotions the characters are feeling exquisitely.


This volume features a coupe of extras that the first volume did not.  It still has the standard clean opening and closing songs as well as a handful of entertaing trailers.  However, it also has two extra episodes after the season finishes. They both give you a bit more insight into the past of the various characters and helps to further develop them as characters.


Once again the series does a great job of combining action horror with deep personal character involvement.  It also answers a great deal of questions, and the last couple of episodes of the series will probably have you crying and wanting more.