The Darkest Minds

The Darkest Minds
The Darkest Minds
Release Date:Genre:, Rating:Publisher:Platform:

Based on Alexandra Bracken’s novel of the same name, The Darkest Minds is a likable sci-fi thriller with a grabbing story line and interesting characters.

After a new disease called Idiopathic Adolescent Acute Neurodegeneration, or IAAN, wipes out the majority of the world’s population under the age of 18, the surviving children are left with supernatural abilities. As a result, world governments round up the surviving children and assign them threat level colors. Children assigned green, blue, and yellow are assigned to camps and given work assignments while children assigned orange or red are deemed threats and are eliminated immediately. After celebrating her 10th birthday, Ruby Daly (Amandla Stenberg) inadvertently erases her mother’s memory resulting in her being abducted by government officials and sent to one of the camps. During her assessment, a doctor learns that Ruby’s threat level is orange and attempts to eliminate her via lethal injection. Realizing she is in danger, Ruby manipulates the doctor’s mind into believing she is actually green, the lowest threat level. After six years of working in the camp, Cate Connor (Mandy Moore) assists Ruby in escaping the camp after her true threat level is revealed. After Cate informs Ruby of her involvement with the Children’s League, an organization that uses the surviving children as soldiers to combat government camps, Ruby escapes Cate and searches for a children’s safe haven with Zu (Miya Cech), a Yellow, Liam (Harris Dickinson), a Blue, and Chubs (Skylan Brooks), a Green.

The current decade is filled with films based on young adult novels and the demand is high with film series successes such as The Hunger Games and The Maze Runner. Prior to viewing The Darkest Minds, I was not familiar with the book series and, to be honest, knew little about the film. After some research, there are quite a few books in the series, meaning there should be quite a few followup films. The Darkest Minds has received mixed reviews from critics and audiences, but I believe there is a lot to like about the film.

As previously stated, I knew nothing about this film, the book, the story, the characters, etc. but I found it very easy to follow along. Some films based off novels struggle to hook audiences that are unfamiliar with the written work they are based on. Whether it’s outlandish, over the top story line or misunderstood characters with complicated backgrounds, films have to work hard to draw in an audience unfamiliar with the book. The Darkest Minds does an excellent job of introducing a gripping story and keeping everything relevant to keep the viewer intrigued.

In my opinion, characters can make or break a film. Yes, it is important that the plot be entertaining and keep the viewer’s attention, but the characters must assist in keeping the plot interesting and relevant. Every character adds an interesting aspect to the film’s plot creating an exciting, and sometimes dark, story line. You can’t help having vested interest in Ruby, Zu, Liam, and Chubs as they search for a safe haven while enduring the struggles of evading tracers and bounty hunters. The tense action sequences and romantic buildup between Ruby and Liam will have viewers experiencing a wide range of emotions.

Additionally, characters are as strong as the performance provided by the cast. Amandla Stenberg (The Hunger Games, The Hate U Give) has been a force in just about every role she has been given, and portraying Ruby Daly is no exception. Stenberg does a remarkable job and will captivate any viewer as the lead character. I have become a huge fan of Stenberg and look forward to her future projects.

Anyone that is a fan of films based on young adult novels will enjoy The Darkest Minds. Understandably, some viewers may resist seeing yet another film in the young adult novel genre, but This film is definitely one that should be considered for viewing.

