NBA 2K21 Review

As with every transition into a new console generation, we are in an odd period with sports games; NBA 2K21 not being the exception. The current-gen renditions of sports titles are usually a tad held back or “more of the same”, with most of the new and exciting features saved for the next-gen versions. NBA 2K21 does introduce some small changes to the current-gen version, but by and large, it̵...[Read More]

NBA 2K20

I’m so conflicted with NBA 2K20. On one hand, it touts the strongest gameplay the series has had in years. On the other, it’s so chock-full of glitches and broken components at launch, that it’s nearly unplayable. The NBA 2K franchise has always been known as being a bit of a mess on launch-day/week, but NBA 2K20 is particularly broken. Yet for some reason, I can’t seem to shake that itch to keep ...[Read More]