Looping Back to Loop Hero

In March, our resident racing aficionado and all-around fantabulous human Benjamine Branscum wrote a glowing review of Loop Hero. In short, Ben argues that there’s a pleasant surprise that comes from playing a simple game of looping around and around, and worth considering on PC. However, it is now December (almost 2022, yeesh!!). Nine months since release, Loop Hero has also released on Nin...[Read More]

Loop Hero Welcomes Over 500,000 Players In the First Week

Music to my ears! Check out the details below. AUSTIN (March 11, 2021) – The critically acclaimed Loop Hero has welcomed over 500,000 players in the first week of its endless adventure on Steam, racking up infinite records along the way including – but not limited to – the fastest-selling soundtrack in Devolver Digital history, and an average user playtime of 12 hours, which by o...[Read More]

Loop Hero – Review

I’ve had days where it just feels like I’m going in a complete circle. Constantly running back and forth: at work, between places, going back to work, on the same project to make no gains, or even just in my own head. Repeating thoughts, memories, or ideas over and over. Loops are already tough to figure out and get through, but when you add the impending doom of all humanity, then it becomes a we...[Read More]