Imagining a game without a soundtrack is near impossible. Undoubtedly across the vast ocean of games, there are numerous titles either lacking a score or any other noise outside the cacophony of blips and beeps. But I crave the music. And as time has gone on, evocative scores are so intrinsically enjoyable to me that they become a part of the narrative or gameplay. While many developers may work t...[Read More]


Several weeks ago, I had the pleasure of previewing ROBOBEAT, which was in Early Access at the time. Despite being in Early Access, ROBOBEAT felt nearly complete barring some information-presentation issues that I hoped would be corrected for the final release. The few hours I spent in-game were full of high-octane shooting to the beat of the song that was currently playing. Of course, there were ...[Read More]

ROBOBEAT Chumps Preview

Chumps Preview is a special kind of post where we unofficially preview games in Early Access, Beta, or are otherwise “unfinished.” This kind of preview is meant to be a first impression rather than a definitive review where we provide a rating to determine a game’s value. As such, we fully expect a game covered in a Chumps Preview to have room for improvement, some bugginess/incompleteness, and ot...[Read More]