Phantom Fury (PC) Review

Part of what makes boomer shooters fun is their over-the-top presentations, be it excessive gore, ridiculous traversal, thematics that avoid taking themselves too seriously, and/or high-octane gameplay that is encapsulated in retro-fueled pixels. They don’t cater to precise shooting or believable plots, instead opting for unbelievable storylines with occasional plot twists and guns with bullet spr...[Read More]

Turbo Overkill (PC)

Coming out of previewing GTTOD, I felt myself hankering for boomer-shooter gameplay that excelled in mobility. I was wanting parkour, if you will. I wanted to wall jump while shooting waves of enemies. I wanted I had already played Doom Eternal, but I wanted more…and then Turbo Overkill released. All of my urges for momentum, gunplay, and ridiculous levels of gore were met by Trigger Happy Interac...[Read More]