Trinity Fusion Review (PC)

The multiverse has become the flavor of the month in many television shows, cinematic universes (looking at you, Marvel!), and games (something something Mortal Kombat 1). Its overuse has created a situation where writer’s rooms can freely write and rewrite stories without fear about events being “canon” in the big picture because of the potential for “infinite” outcomes. While it hasn’t yet becom...[Read More]

Trinity Fusion Review

As I mentioned recently in my review of Have a Nice Death, the beating heart of a great (or at least competent) roguelite often reverberates in its first run. In the first ten minutes of Trinity Fusion, developer Angry Mob Games taught me the basics of combat and platforming, feeding new enemies to slice and dash through. I treated it casually, assuming at some point an impassable enemy or story b...[Read More]

Brawlout Review: Off-brand Super Smash Bros. Game Makes the Crowd Go Mild

If you read anything about Angry Mob Games’ newish title Brawlout, you will notice there are a plethora of comparisons to the wildly successful Super Smash Bros. franchise. If it were a drinking game where you had to take a shot each time the games were compared, you’d most likely be dead by the end of each discussion. Well, I’m not here to reinvent the wheel. It is impossible to...[Read More]