TooManyGames Roars Back to Life After 2020 Pandemic Hiatus

The free black and green, classic Oregon Trail-style t-shirt I got upon entering the event said it all: TooManyGames 2020 has been cancelled. Which, of course, came as no surprise to anyone who slogged through the tornado-meets-a-dumpster-fire-meets-the-local-landfill-meets-the-local-oil-refinery-meets-the-local-community-center which was last year. TooManyGames (, long one of...[Read More]

Glass – 4K Ultra HD, Blu-Ray, & Digital

Glass is a sequel to both M. Night Shyamalan’s Unbreakable (2000) and Split (2016). This review will feature spoilers for the two preceding films but will not reveal any of the twists or surprises found in Glass. If Unbreakable was a drama and Split was a thriller, then Glass attempts to fall under the drama, thriller, action, and comic book genres. Returning from Unbreakable are cast members Bruc...[Read More]