Suzuka – Volume Four

Suzuka – Volume Four

The Story- Kawaii!

This is one of the funniest/cutest/saddest/most hilarious animes I have ever seen! I have only seen these four episodes (15-18) but i have become totally intrigued with the characters and plot. There is a very intricate difficult love-triangle woven throughout the plot involving Honoka, her boyfriend Akitsuki, and his friend Asahina, who has feelings for him and whom he has feelings for also. So you can imagine the kind of razy stuff that happens throughout the show. First, Asahina and Akitsuky miss the train coming back from I don’t know where, maybe a track meet, so they are stuck for the night in Akitsuki’s hometown. Honoka and Asahinas friend Miki are on the train and they are curious as to what’s going on. So Akitsukis father comes to pick them up from the train station and he forces Asahina to stay the night at their house. Akitsuki is very embarassed of his family so he wants to get home A.S.A.P., but then he offers to take Asahina to see the fireflies by his house the next night. At first Asahina refuses but then her crush gets the better of her so she accepts the offer. Nothing bad happens while they’re together, except maybe they develop a little stronger fondness for each other.

Throughout the show Akitsuki keeps trying to get advice from his perverted friend, Yasunobu, which always does more harm then good. Akitsuki tries forcing himself on Honoka and things turn bad. She freaks out and runs out of his apartment and he feels horibble afterwards. Needless to say he no longer listens to Yasunobu’s advice. So he goes to apologize to Honoka and she says something really funny….it made me cry from laughing so hard (buy the anime and watch it to find out!) So they make up and everything is good until Honokas famous friend, Nana, shows up. She watches Akitsuki while they (Akitsuki, Honoka, Asahina, Miki, and Nana) are at karaoke and she catches on for his like of Asahina. She then gives him a lecture to change his ways and asks if he even knows when Honokas birthday is. It turns out to be in two days so he asks Asahina for help to shop for a present. Honoka sees then out shopping together and then more drama ensues (one part I actually teared up, and i had just been introduced to these characters, thats how enticing it is!)

Presentation- Just Cute

The characters were all very lovable and had good personalities. Their clothing wasn’t anything out of the ordinary, like you see in some animes, and it took place in a small, normal, non-galactic town in Japan. There was good coloring and details and the sound was of good quality. I don’t know what else to say for that.

Extras-Could be Better

The extras include a small “yearbook” of some still shots from the episodes. There are only about 5 photos in it. The extras also include Textless songs and some trailers for other animes. There could be more but i have seen some with less so i guess it’s ok.

Overall- So Good!

I thought this anime was very cute and easy to follow. The mass quantities of drama make it very entertaining! The characters are all very lovable with very different, sometimes clashing personalities.

Overall: 9.0