Suzuka – Volume Five

Suzuka – Volume Five

Presentation- It’s Just Great

I love how this anime is just completely realistic (mostly). They are ordinary teenagers going to and ordinary high school with ordinary problems. There are no special effects or fancy scenery or anything but the show is still amazing!The sound quality is great, even when you are watching it on your laptop with the T. V. on in the background at three in the morning!

The outfits on the characters don’t change much, mostly because most of the anime takes place either in school or after school at track practice. But they do have some cool outfits from when they are not in school.

Extras- Satisfying

The extras in this season have more than the previous seasons. This one contains an actor commentary, in which a few of the voice actors tell what it was like working as the characters and how they got into their character. They were very entertaining. also there is the Aoba High School Yearbook, in which we get screen shots of characters which is fun to look at. The disc also includes textless openings and closings, which are enjoyable because then all of the words aren’t in the way. The last thing are trailors for other Funimation anime releases.

Overall- Another Great Season of Suzuka!

You will enjoy every minute of these episodes as we follow Yamato-kun with his internal and external struggles. Internal being which girl does he like better? Asahina or Honoka? External being how badly he really wants to stay on the track and field team. Almost every episode contains heartache and joy as Yamato tries to make up his mind

Overall: 9.0