Speed Grapher (Complete Series)

Speed Grapher (Complete Series)


This artist certainly has a talent for conveying the grotesque, as there were a few occasions where I felt I should look away. Full of action and dramatic imagery, it is hard to watch in that must see kind of way. There are some truly twisted characters and costume design in this series. This is a very adult series, so children beware.


Saito documentary- This is actually really fun, because you get to see the voice actors behind the scenes as they prepare for interviews and get ready for the process.

Character Cast auditions- Here we hear the first reads for the American dub auditions

Character Profiles- A paragraph of information for each character

Image Galleries- Self explanatory

Text less songs- Opening and closing songs accompanied by art work

Outtakes-Hilarious voice over screw ups

Guidebooks– These fun little packets are becoming a trend in the Funimation industry and rightly so as they present art work, graphics, and information about the show in a pleasantly tangible way.


A deviously twisted tale of power gone wrong, Kagura searches for freedom and love. While I found this tale to be rather gruesome, I was drawn to the plot as we see if love and determination can overcome the darkness of the corrupt.


The Show-8- Deeply fractured lives wander down twisted paths in an adult fairy tale that is not for the weak of heart or stomach.

Presentation- 8- Disturbingly dark contrasted with the reality of corruption gives the viewer a rather strong impact

Extras-9- A rather intriguing behind the scenes look of a voice actor combined with guidebooks and a plethora of other options.

Overall8- Highly adult in content the complexities of this tale are quite refreshing.