Shuffle! 5

Shuffle! 5

I cried during this series because when you love someone so much and you begin to loose little pieces of them, you can’t help but wish them happiness even while your heart is breaking as you miss the little things. Rin blamed Kaede’s mother’s death on himself so she could become well, and she was able to take out all that hatred and hurt because of him. When she later discovers that he lied to protect her so she could get well, she is so taken aback that it changes her whole demeanor and this act begins her bond with Rin. Having such a weighted history it hits Kaede quite hard. Primula recently recovered to the family after a serious health scare last time, notices Kaede’s troubles as she is sensitive to the things going on. Kaede begins to fall apart as there seems to nbe no one to take care of anymore her heart is sinking, and her darker self seems to be reappearing. Rin continues to grow closer to Asa, but that’s where I will end this story so you wil have something left to watch.


This anime like many others uses subtle zoom in shots to create intimate moments that can be either romantic or comical. I have grown to like this anime more and more as I watch it.


Don’t forget to collect your new poster from each disk, as they all include a pin up for your wall. Every fan wants their collectibles, so this amps up the extra points for me.


This was an emotional rollercoaster, full of real life tragedy and comedy. You want everyone to be happy but it seems that just can’t be with everyone’s hearts set on Rin, it’s impossible to love them all and yet at the same time they need him. The characters flaws develop them beyond most of the shows I have seen so far. While there is some trite panties humor for the most part the show really takes off with the fourth disk and then keeps sprinting on the fifth. Everything is so intense it can be painfully hard to watch as trials from my own life slip through and I find myself relating to characters, the dramatic suspense is awful, but in that amazingly hopeful way.