Hell Girl Volume 6: Pinwheel

It is usually the guilty who are targeted for revenge, but in the first episode of this disk, we are confronted with the hard-to-swallow truth of the nature of vengeance and those who seek it. When it all seems to be too much for his young daughter, Shibata offers to forever cease his efforts to stop Hell Girl or seek out those she contacts, but even Tsugumi seems to feel that their task isn’t over. What will it take before Hell Girl stops communicating with them, and what are her true motives?

On this volume:

Episode 23: The Light of the Hospital Ward

When a nurse who seems to be loved by everyone around her is targeted for vengeance, Tsugumi tries to keep her distance. If only bad people are targeted, why should you bother getting to know them. But is the nurse really as wonderful as she seems, or are there other reasons someone would wish her to hell?

Episode 24: Home in the Twilight

After a close call threatens Tsugumi’s life, the Shibatas decide to make a concentrated effort to discover the reasons behind Ai Enma’s attachment. When seeking out a remote village, they learn of a ancient, and thankfully discontinued, ritual called the Seven Sending, where a child of seven was sacrificed to the mountain god to ensure prosperity. Is this how Hell Girl came to be, and is it merely a coincidence that Tsugumi happens to be seven years old?

Episode 25: Hell Girl

After triggering Ai’s memories of her haunted and painful past, she attempts to avenge herself on the Shibatas, which would send her own soul to hell. As her servants protest, Ai attacks Hajime and Tsugumi, casting them into a vibrant and eerie view of her own past. The origins and life story of Ai Enma is made plain to us as they drift darker and deeper into the river depths…

Episode 26: The Ephemeral

Refusing to accept her damnation quietly, Hell Girl traps Hajime in her realm while she leads Tsugumi into a terrible viewing of her parents’ last encounter. Offering Tsugumi the totem for a contract and bidding her to finally seek vengeance for her poor mother against the person she’s always hated, Hell Girl pulls out all the stops in attempting to convince her to pull the thread. Can Tsugumi’s innocent love for her father survive the naked truth Hell Girl presents before them?

Extras Include:

Office Kitchenette of Hell, Textless Songs, Trailers, and two beautiful art cards.