Death Note 2

Death Note 2

 Meanwhile, L has revealed himself visually to a small group of police men who have agreed to risk their lives for the sake of catching Kira, among them is Yagami san, Kira’s father. Through an amazing set of deductions “L” determines that it is likely that two families withing the police force are suspects. He asks to place surveillance within the homes upping the level of this game for everyone. Raye’s finance a former FBI agent is also on the case and has discovered that Kira can kill people by means other thatn a heart attack and has narrowed her search to a threateningly small area. Kira discovers this and trieds to intercept this problem knowing that if her story gets to the police “L” will have won the game, but Naomi is wise and plays it safe by using an alias. L is also instructing everyone on his team to use an alias, and it is getting harder and harder for Kira to hide. He does use some pretty amazing tricks, however. By hiding a miniature television in a bag of potato chips he is able to kill off the criminals posted on the news by writing on a piece of concealed paper with his left hand, extracting a chip and then writing study notes with his right hand. He is ever aware of his surroundings and manages to cast some doubt on his opponents with this ever so clever act so for now the family is in the clear, but “L” is a patient and clever man. Who will get to Naomi first? Will Kira be discovered? I am anxious to find out. 


With a Frank Miller use of Color on the cover and wonderfully decayed death gods, combined with the suspenseful angular and fish eye shots death note is a masterpiece. Full of sharp imagery and a dark soundtrack to follow the arts synergise with the plot, resulting in a captivating experience.



Behind the Scenes: English Voice Actor Interviews and Recording Sessions

Japanese Animation Director and Character designer interviews

Production Art

Audio Commentary



If I could use profanity to explain my excitement of how much I like this show I would shay it kicks donkey! But alas I can’t so I just have to say that the plot to this show seemed like it was going to be yet another lame chain letter type of event and turned out to be an extraordinary suspense thriller with twists in every episode.