Glass Fleet 6

Glass Fleet 6

While this is happening, full fledged war breaks out between the HolyEmperor’s army and the People’s army. This is the last stand for bothsides, seeing as their galaxy is continually being drawn into the BlackCross, an event that will cause certain death for everyone. Also,Vetti’s soleil is running out and death is closing upon him, thereforehe must defeat Cleo with the little time he has left. Somehow Vetti’sside has learned how to manufacture the glass used in Cleo’s ship, theymost likely acquired this information while they were in possession ofhis ship. The secret to making that certain glass was lost with thefall of the royal family. But Vetti’s workers failed to perfect thetechnique, causing the ships to be permeable to most firearms. Withhis glass fleet nearly destroyed, will Vetti surrender and be left todie?

Like with the previous episodes, the characters are fullydeveloped and have their own unique personalities. The costuming getsweirder and weirder as the story comes to a close. The music though isalways just right for the situations that our characters findthemselves in.

Special Broadcast Interview with the director, Minoru Ohara- Hediscusses where his inspiration for the characters came from and somespecial highlights of the show.
Textless Songs
Trailers: XXXHolic, Samurai 7, Fullmetal Alchemist, Blue Gender, FullMetal Panic!, The Galaxy Railways, Solty Rei, and Black Cat.