Aquarion Volume 1-3

Aquarion Volume 1-3


There are so many characters to introduce and each with a complex and deep story line. Apollo, a homeless renegade forges bonds with the other pilots in order to rescue his best friend Baron. As the pilots encounter new challenges they must invent new strategies and become synergized. Working away from selfish ambition and hopes Apollo sacrifices many times for the good of the group. Though he is still childish and can act sporatically, we learn that each character has their weaknesses and strengths adn they are all discovering how to use these to their advantage. I honestly was shocked at how attached I was getting to the characters. This may make my next top ten list. What is that a speck of dust in my eye? heh…Hope you enjoy this series, I highly recomend it.



Aquarion is a robotic machine piloted by three souls working together to control the elements as one moving body. The combination of geometric and organic imagery is wonderful. Using new CGI techniques the anime industry seems to be following the ever expanding track of movies by exploring what we can now do visually with computers. Though I can’t help but to giggle when some of the robots moves remind me of things I saw in power rangers the show is still at par for a Funimation work of art. The music is one of the best elements in the show, composed by the creator of Cow Boy Bebop, Yoko Kanno brings the show to life using orchestral and modern techniques.



-5×7 pencil board with Aquarion graphic on it

-Interview with director: Shoji Kawamori

-Tokyo International Anime Fair 2005 Talk Show

-Tsugumi’s “All about CG!” Series

-Textless Songs



OVERALL- A surprisingly moving tale of the future where shadow angels harvest the few living refugees. It is up to our heroes training with Aquarion to try and rescue and protect the few things that are important to them.



-8.5- With past lives, shadow angels, robotic wars, and destiny playing a part this show is bound to be successful.