Shuffle 2

Shuffle 2

In asweet moment Rin assures her that he needs her around but wishes shewould not push herself so hard. Her idea of cutting corners the nextday is sleeping in a whole five minutes, but she asks if she canwake up at the usual time the next day. With so many girls dependingon Rin to be a stable marker and love in their life this is doomed toget more complicated. Primula who has been staying at home, while theolder sisters are in school, has also developed a complex, and seemsto have feelings for Rin as well. Primula shows up at school with abroken stuffed animal and it is at this point that the familyrealizes they must do something to accommodate her feelings as well.In an attempt to raise her spirits the family decides to get her apresent. While the girls are frantically shopping for bra’s andunderwear for Primula Rin goes searching for a gift and remembersthat Primula had wanted a cat when they first met. He finds anadorable little stuffed kitten and with its presentation it is metwith Primula’s first smile in a long time. Asa, a long time friendof Rin and Kaede is presented with a gift from a boy at school anddecides to turn him down on account of already liking Rin. She hopesthings will stay as they are for the time being, which sounds like atime bomb to me. While in PE, Asa is distracted and gets injured, soRin walks her home and she confesses her feelings for him in adiscrete way, disguised as teasing, so Rin is not sure if she meantit or not. Sia now has her chance to take Rin to a concert and Nerinehas not yet made a move, so the King of the gods and devils begin tobicker over which one will ensnare Rin first. It’s amazing the boyhasn’t gone mad yet. After a rather failed attempt at the plans Siahad made the two ended up having a wonderful time any ways and by theend of the episode Rin chooses to spend more time with her and holdsher hand. I can only imagine this will cause problems in the nextepisode.


Complete with a happy go luckyeighties sounding theme and extremely adorable characters, it’shard not to love this show. Each character is uniquely cute, some ofmy friends would say cute enough to make you barf! So if your intothat then this is the series for you.


Textless Songs- Ihappen to like this opening thene song so I don’t mind this as anextra but as I’ve said before, these are below par excuses forextras, and are somewhat expected by the sudiences now.

Trailers- These includeWitchblade, xxxHolic, One Piece, Moon Phase, Negima, and Shuffle

Poster– This was a goodsave to include considering the disc extras are not that much towrite home about. This poster is helluh cute!


The time bomb is ticking as the fateof many girls hearts rest in the hands of Rin kun. The trouble isthat in the end he will have to choose one and it is only a mater oftime before people really start getting hurt. With hints of jelousy,striving goals of performance, and risky confessions of love, thescene is already getting pretty intense.


The Show- 8- The complexities ofa womens heart as defined by the one she loves, the only trouble isthatit seems every girl loves this Rin

Presentation- 9- This is a bitdifferent in style but I would put it right beside Azumanga daio forcuteness

Extras-7-While the disc extrasare not worth mentioning, it does come with a cute poster

Overall- 8- This is an enjoyablepick me up series