School Rumble Volume 1

School Rumble Volume 1


I am curious if they will be able to build a somewhat moving or original plot with this as the premis for the rest of the series. It seems there are a million and one school stories telling us about the lives of all these troubled love-struck teens. I am not too thoroughly impressed as of yet but there may be some room for improvement as the show develops. Shuffle, another Funimation show, has more of my vote, because while the plot is similar there is the inventiveness of gods and demons involved. I really haven’t seen too much to report on yet, but with disk two, I should have a better formed opinion.




While I think the smaller pigtails of Tenma’s are a complete rip off of Azumanga Daioh’s and not done as cutely, the rest of the show meets our anime standards for art work. That is quite the problem with this show is that everything is so mundanely average. There are a lot of chibi moments but nothing I haven’t seen before.



Interview with Tenma’s Japanese voice actress: Ami tells us what its like to be a voice actress and how she relates to the show. She does a very good job of describing Tenma as an idiotic girl who lets every thought fall out of her mouth.

Interview with Yakumo’s Japanese voice actress: Where as Mamiko explains her character as mysterious and other worldly. There is quite a contrast between the two.

Original TV Spots: Original Japanese advertisements/ commercials for the show

Textless Songs: Yes they’re here


Trailers: Anime Online, Tenchi Muyo-Ryo-Oki, Suzuka Full Metal Alchemist, Tsubasa, School Rumble, Peach Girl, and Z-Store



While Tenma is a likeable character because of her ability to be her ridiculously nervous and strange self, I am hoping for more from the plot. There is a great variety of characters, and this brings some likableness to the show. With the ever popular theme of love triangles and love-struck teens, I only hope they will find a way to liven it up since this idea pre dates Shakespeare, the comic relief will need to be something of a side splitter. There are some great moments when I found my self laughing, but honestly I hope School Rumble will find a way to twist up this rather predictable story line.



Overall: 6 – The trite exploration of school lovers meets us again, through the quirky and odd character of Tenma Tsukamoto.