

The visuals for the most part are stunning and amusing to watch.  It’s at the very least entertaining to watch some of the bizarre ideas implemented on screen.  Though occasionally, some of the special affects could use some work.  They definitely love their trademark arterial spray, and at times I felt bad for the cameraman with all the liquids being tossed at him.  Still, it made for a really good time,and kept you watching to see what crazy insane thing was gonna pop up next.  The music also featured fairly well in the film, fitting right along with it.  Though I’m fairly sure I remember hearing the actors/actresses break out in song at some point.

This movie actually comes with a GREAT deal of extras.  A very welcome changed to how most DVD’s are done nowadays.  It has of course the original trailer as well as trailers of tons of other soon to be released films.  What is most fascinating though is a short film called “GeishaCop: Fearsome Geisha Corps – Go To Hell.” I strongly suggest taking a look at it after you watch the movie.  It’s highly amusing.

Overall, I strongly suggest watching this movie if nothing else to see things you’ll probably never see anywhere else.  It’s highly amusing and well worth the price you’d pay for it.