A good part of reviewing games is understanding the intentions of the game when it is being made. It’s a complicated element to reviewing, one that is...[Read More]
One of the year’s best games, Marvel’s Spider-Man, gets its second DLC this week with The City That Never Sleeps: Turf Wars. Continuing wh...[Read More]
I would like to preface this review by saying that this is going to come off as a defense of a game that has received a plethora of criticism from oth...[Read More]
A year or so ago, I reviewed Steep from Ubisoft Annecy and had a pleasant time reminiscing about how much fun winter games can be. I even had some SSX...[Read More]
Since 2000’s Hitman: Codename 47, the core premise of Agent 47’s covert undertakings have undergone little change. The bald and barcode-ta...[Read More]
Wish Studios has brought out another edition of their Knowledge is Power game that they introduced to the PlayLink family less than a year ago. If you...[Read More]
NapNok’s Chimparty has made it to the PlayLink family and with it the first installment of a Mario Party-esque gaming experience. Is it as good as Mar...[Read More]
A perfect game. That’s the phrase. It’s a misunderstood phrase amongst most gamers, sometimes an abused phrase amongst some reviewers, but make no mis...[Read More]
Elder Scrolls Online has always been one of my favorite MMORPGs. The lore behind the world is rich with an environment to match. Murkmire further expa...[Read More]
A gorgeous PC headset from Turtle Beach that delivers solid sound, amazingly quiet mic play, and a comfortable fit. While everything is not perfect wi...[Read More]
Starlink: Battle for Atlas is a joy to play. Every night for the past week I have spent hours popping spaceships onto my DualShock 4, interchanging pi...[Read More]
I’m from back in the day when the WWE was called the WWF, you know before animals took it back. I attended Wrestlemania V as a kid, saw Trump there wh...[Read More]