NapNok’s Chimparty has made it to the PlayLink family and with it the first installment of a Mario Party-esque gaming experience. Is it as good as Mar...[Read More]
A perfect game. That’s the phrase. It’s a misunderstood phrase amongst most gamers, sometimes an abused phrase amongst some reviewers, but make no mis...[Read More]
Elder Scrolls Online has always been one of my favorite MMORPGs. The lore behind the world is rich with an environment to match. Murkmire further expa...[Read More]
A gorgeous PC headset from Turtle Beach that delivers solid sound, amazingly quiet mic play, and a comfortable fit. While everything is not perfect wi...[Read More]
Starlink: Battle for Atlas is a joy to play. Every night for the past week I have spent hours popping spaceships onto my DualShock 4, interchanging pi...[Read More]
I’m from back in the day when the WWE was called the WWF, you know before animals took it back. I attended Wrestlemania V as a kid, saw Trump there wh...[Read More]
Homer’s Odyssey is one of those bodies of work that has etched itself into countless forms of entertainment. While many of us may roll our eyes,...[Read More]
Transference opens onto a darkened street void of any human activity. When wearing a VR headset, most players will likely turn their head to the left ...[Read More]
All good characters that exist within good stories have both merits and flaws to them, which makes them interesting. No one wants to be Superman all t...[Read More]
It is two weeks into Destiny 2: Forsaken’s release and we here at Digitalchumps figure it is time for a review. Forsaken, which introduces the fourth ...[Read More]
Boruto, like Naruto before him, has grand ambitions. As the son of the most powerful ninja in his village, Naruto, and the self-tiled spinoff followin...[Read More]